Well, have been "messin' around" again on the first segment of the train layout. Nothing is pinned or glued yet, and I'm waiting on sheet packs of roads and pavement with kerbs so as to complete this scene and then will affix everything into place. We are still trying to figure how we want to do the stream to go under the bridge and culminate in a small pond at the left. Then, in order to make this the Winter scene segment, we'll have to "snow" most of it.
The station painted up pretty nicely, time consuming with the fiddly bits, but I'm pretty pleased with the results. Likewise with the trays of veggies for the Victorian shops ( the first bits I've painted out of that kit, after the roof). As you can see by the Emery board alongside, they are tiny tiny!
It took me 3 sessions to paint them. First the trays, next time the outside "fruits and veggies" and then the inner ones, as had to allow everything to fully dry inbetween.
I just wanted to see my Flying Scotsman on the track. Sadly 2 pieces on it arrived broken, but I'm going to get a hold of Hornby to see if they can give me tips on fixing them.
Each of the buildings has an LED light in and they look pretty in the dark, but sadly, my attempts at taking a pic in the darkness doesn't work, as you will see below. I am thinking I will have to put some other lighting one the station, so that it illuminates the houses from behind.
This is the first panel, 2' x 4', one of 4 that will slot together to make the first basic 8' x 4' layout. Being unable to stand and work it, I had Mark divide the 8' x 4' into 4 segments that will slot together. This way I can reach all of the area on one board. It may be more work, in ways, but it's the only way that I can do this since I need to be seated to do everything.
Unfortunately, my attempt to capture the "night" scene with the lights on in the buildings didn't come out very well but it does look pretty "for real".
Still a long long way to go, but having fun "doing".