Saturday, January 29, 2022

Slow Progress

Well, have been  "messin' around" again on the first segment of the train layout. Nothing is pinned or glued yet, and I'm waiting on sheet packs of roads and pavement with kerbs so as to complete this scene and then will affix everything into place. We are still trying to figure how we want to do the stream to go under the bridge and culminate in a small pond at the left.  Then, in order to make this the Winter scene  segment, we'll have to "snow" most of it.

The station painted up pretty nicely, time consuming with the fiddly bits, but I'm pretty pleased with the results. Likewise with the trays of veggies for the Victorian shops ( the first bits I've painted out of that kit, after the roof). As you can see by the Emery board alongside, they are tiny tiny!


It took me 3 sessions to paint them. First the trays, next time the outside "fruits and veggies" and then the inner ones, as had to allow everything to fully dry inbetween.

I just wanted to see my Flying Scotsman on the track. Sadly 2 pieces on it arrived broken, but I'm going to get a hold of Hornby to see if they can give me tips on fixing them. 

Each of the buildings has an LED light in and they look pretty in the dark, but sadly, my attempts at taking a pic in the darkness doesn't work, as you will see below. I am thinking I will have to put some other lighting one the station, so that it illuminates the houses from behind.

Eventually, the Victorian shops will fit on the row here of other shops and homes, but methinks it's going to take me awhile to paint all the pieces and then put the kit together. It's not a race to the finish but I so wish I had more talent with the painting, and I am so impatient to get it all done and be able to run the trains around the track. 

This is the first panel, 2' x 4', one of 4 that will slot together to make the first basic 8' x 4' layout. Being unable to stand and work it, I had Mark divide the 8' x 4' into 4 segments that will slot together. This way I can reach all of the area on one board. It may be more work, in ways, but it's the only way that I can do this since I need to be seated to do everything.

Unfortunately, my attempt to capture the "night" scene with the lights on in the buildings didn't come out very well but it does look pretty "for real".

Still a long long way to go, but having fun "doing".

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Planning and Playing

 Well, this morning I've spent some time working on what will eventually be "the train layout". I painted some more of the station building, sadly my painting skills are lacking so it's taking me longer because I'm constantly having to clean up mistakes. Nonetheless, I guess it keeps me busy and, as my nan used to say "if a job's worth doing, it's worth doing properly".

Messed around, on my craft/train table, with some of my buildings and accessories to figure out a Winter scene. The 2 black cars in the pic, I didn't realise I had left there. They are not a part of this scene. I am thinking this is a neat little street, and I will have to get some "road" to put in front of the houses between them and the bridge, and make a "stream" to go under the bridge. The stream will end in a small pond at the left, near the church.

The train track will then run behind the buildings, and the station and platform will be somewhere close by.  For now, though, I like this scene. All of the buildings have LED lights inside, so they should look awesome in the dark.

Still a LONG way from having a lovely-to-look-at layout but I'm excited at the prospect of how it can all come together, eventually.

Will have to talk to hubby, when he gets home from work, to figure out whether to do this on a small section that can then be affixed to a main segment, or to do it directly onto a main segment. This is just the beginning of a long project.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

The Front Porch is Looking Cosier

My plants are definitely liking the front porch and having the trays underneath, so's they can soak up the water as needed, or it can drain through.

The fern was one of two that somebody had dumped, they were all dried up and brown, I lost the other one but this one is slowly coming back, but it's taken a lot of TLC.

It's one of my relaxing spots.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Front Porch Tidy Up

So, today, hubby and I did a Spring Clean on the front porch. Madam's pine litter had been strewn all over and even into her feeder (messy little moo) and watering my plants yesterday had resulted in a lot of leakage, causing hubby to ponder "something to put them in" so that they could drain and not soak the front porch in the process.

The Dollar Tree provided just what we needed, and he picked up half a dozen cat litter trays, all a pale taupe colour, that I could put the pots in, and arrange together on the stand at the end.

The plastic tablecloth, that goes under the plants, went through the washer with bleach, and came out bright and ready for another month of healthy neglect. Hubby also popped a of board under it, on the stand, to add a bit more support.

When he picked up the bird feeder block at Tractor Supply, he got me a pretty pink watering can, so - between the cute and functional gardening tool set and basket that my grandson and his wife gave me for Christmas, and my new watering can - I am now better equipped to take care of my seedlings, cuttings and house plants.

It's been a good day, and tomorrow, we'll tidy up the rest, vacuum the rugs (got shake 'n' vac on them overnight) and I'll polish the rattan seating so's it smells nice and lemon-y.

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Does AVON's clothing last?

 I get asked this question a lot, and my response is always the same. 95% of what I wear, I bought from AVON. That's shirts, pants, bras, shoes, sweaters and jackets. It's been that way for about 12 years now, and I have only been dissatisfied with an item, once. That was a loose sweater, and unfortunately, got caught on everything and snagged easily. I still wear it though, for outdoor chores and lounging/staying warm indoors ... and I've had it about 8 years now.

I am heavy on shoes, and I buy the loafers, worn every day, they last me about 6 months. When they are on sale, I stock up. I like buying on sale, and then saving even more with my discount. I am kind of boring though, in that I only ever buy black shoes. I have no idea why. When I was younger, I went for other colours but now I just seem to stick with black.

I've been turning people onto our shirts and pants for about a decade now.  My current favourites are the everyday leggings. I do wear them everyday! They are so comfortable and easy to care for. I've been wearing a couple of pairs now, for about 4 years. Every time they feature in the brochure I buy another pack of 2.

A couple of years ago, I bought myself 2 grey polo-necked, cabled sweaters for Winter. They are so warm and cosy. I loved them so much that, that Christmas, I bought one each for my granddaughters here ... and they loved them too. This is me with one of my great granddaughters, wearing one of mine. 

When AVON brought out their Boss Life tee shirts, I treated myself to a couple. Everywhere I went, people complemented me on them. They are now slightly threadbare but still much loved for slouching in, some 3 or 4 years later. The same with my "wifi" shirt.

My Winter jacket, was an AVON buy from about 8 years ago. It still keeps me warm when it's cold and windy outside.

What I like about all of my AVON clothing is how easy it is to care for. Everything I wear goes through the washer. The cable sweater and jacket (plus a couple of other sweaters including my latest) go on a delicate wash, and likewise, everything goes through the dryer.

My latest: so comfortable and yes, again, easy care.

So, my answer to the question "does AVON's clothing last?" would be a resounding "yes!".

#AVONfashion #fashion #easycareclothing #leggings #sweaters #tops #AVONrep #lovemyAVON #footwear #shoes #loafers #valueformoney #AVONclothing