Wednesday, April 26, 2023

April, 30 Minutes A Day Reading Challenge for St Jude's

I read.  More than that, I love to read. I learned early, and became a bookworm as soon as I had mastered the art. My childhood was riddled with The Secret Garden, The Narnia Chronicles, Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, Lorna Doone, and all the Dickens volumes ... and, back in those days there were no paraphrases.  I was 7 or 8 and reading original unabridged versions ... if I didn't understand a word, that was what a dictionary was for.

I now read when I'm pedalling my elliptical bike, or the Intellistride machine at the gym.  I get lost in the story and time just flies by.

This past week, I finished another Kristin Hannah book, Magic Hour.  I honestly think this is my favourite of hers, although I've enjoyed all of the ones I've delved into so far. I also finished another Thomas Perry, The Burglar, and that kept me on my toes, as always, trying to feel where he was taking me and not wanting to cheat and check out the end to see if my ideas were correct.

They are 2 authors that I have been binge reading the past few weeks, 2 totally different genres and styles of writing, and yet both weave tales that I find myself caught up in and unwilling to put their stories down.

I am still needing sponsors for the St Jude's challenge.  Even if you could only spare $1, if I had 100 people simply donate $1 that would give me $100 towards my goal.  It's such a worthy cause, they do so much and there's never  a charge for patient care ... something that many of the parents would not be able to afford anywhere else.

Please share my blog post and share the challenge website (on Facebook )for me, donate if you can, it truly is a worthwhile cause.

Thanks for reading!