Sunday, May 8, 2016

What a lovely day for Mother's Day

Today as been an absolutely gorgeous day. Sun was shining, beautiful blue skies, white marshmallow clouds. It couldn't have been more perfect for Mother's Day.

Sadly my children are all far away. My son called from New York. We chatted. One of my daughters wished me a Happy Mother's Day online ... but English Mother's Day was around Easter so I'd already been wished it back then too.

Hubby and I had a lie in, this morning, and then set out to do our running around. 

We delivered AVON to one of my customers out off Haywood Road (giving us the perfect excuse to grab lunch from Panera Bread at Haywood Mall), dropped off brochures on some businesses, stopped off at the European Market for even more goodies (my English and German favourites) and then came home and relaxed watching a couple of interesting documentaries on the telly.

Hubby vacuumed the rug cleaner out of the carpet in what had been my granddaughter's bedroom and is now going to become my new AVON business room. My first task will be to dust and polish one of my oak shelving units and then to begin dusting and moving my Mrs Albee figurines from the other room, and into my new AVON room and onto the new shelf.  

It's all a part of my de-cluttering and attempting to simplify our life.

My being disabled has made life so hard on my hubby, he works, and then comes home ... and works some more. It's a really good day, when I can make it to the other end of the house, to the laundry room. So most times, he does laundry. I do make it to the kitchen, and I sit to cook and wash my dishes, or wipe down my countertops. But sweeping and mopping are difficult, as is vacuuming,so usually, they fall on him too. Last week, I managed to sweep my living room and hallway, it took me 4 stints to complete, each with a lying-down-on-my-side rest between them. It took me all day.

I try to do "little things" to show him how much I appreciate him. To give him some nice relaxation.

This week he has a massage appointment, his poor body is exhausted some days. It gives it some pampering and respite from his gruelling life.

As my AVON Leadership checks have grown, I've been paying off some of our bills more quickly. I've also begun to do things to make hubby's life easier. Last Friday, I had a lovely guy named Eric who came and bush hogged our back field. Hubby had been down twice to mow, and barely made a dent in it, and was continually stressing over trying to get down to do more. Eric took care of it in a couple of hours, and that was well worth $120!  Money well spent. I told him, I may just have him come every 6 months to keep it under control.

I had a young lad come by to see about doing yard work and helping hubby with odd jobs outside, so that we can get the front yard sorted out, my "cabin" building repainted, fencing painted, and that went well. He will prob come 3-4 hours a week to do whatever needs doing, and I'm hoping that, by the end of Summer, so much of the chores we have fallen behind on these past few years due to me no longer being able to do my share, will be caught up on and my yard won't look like redneck heaven any more, LOL .

Inside our home, I have a friend going to come in for 3-4 hours a week to clean for me. That will take the responsibility for doing it, off my hubby, and appease my guilt for being unable to do it myself. 

They say pride comes before a fall, but my pride isn't in a smug sense, more of a gratefulness that I am making enough money to be able to allocate the money to do these things, and make our lives easier despite my disability having made it so much harder, before now.

I'm so excited for my new AVON room. Oh I know it'll take me months to get it all done, but that's ok. Every day, every little thing, a new shelf filled, a box unpacked, a bag of trash filled as I sort through stuff, each will be a step towards the successful decluttering and simplifying that I've been needing to do for a long time.

I am very thankful for all the blessings in my life. My hubby deserves a medal for all the help and support he gives me. He helps me so much with the hands on things involved in running my business, as well as everything else. I'm glad to have been married to him for 30 years.

Hope you have all enjoyed your Mother's Day, wherever you are. Have a lovely evening!

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