Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Doctor's Orders

Today had been another not-so-good day for me.  The doctor had told me she wanted me to get a blood pressure monitor for home, which we did yesterday. I took my bp 3 times last night and the results were awful! Today again, this morning's were not what I'd hoped for, so I duly called the doctor (as she'd asked me to) to report my numbers. She has now upped the meds that control the top number and wants me doing multiple monitorings each day for 2 weeks so that we can see if that helps, and at that point she will then decide whether to mess with the meds that control the lower number.

I'm taking my own steps to be stress-free. Much as I love my Facebook and Google+, I am staying off social media as much as possible. Too much drama and so many friends who are really into one or the other of the candidates running for President, whose posts end up as massive arguments with trolls galore and massive name calling.

A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do, and sadly this old girl has to do what's best for my health right now.

On a good note - hubby's doing much better!!! Thanks for prayers and good thoughts!

Have an awesome evening my friends.

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