Saturday, April 15, 2017

The struggle is real

So much has been happening, and just as I think I'm out of the woods, something happens to remind me I'm not.

I must admit, I wasn't very happy last Monday, when the cardiologist office called and said he had looked at my interim monitoring (I'm only 1/2 way through the 30 days, today) and thought I had A-Fib so was prescribing Eliquis.

The idea of an anti-coagulant was a bit scary, as even on my 81mg aspirin, I bruise so easily, and have to stop taking it for a few days in order to let my bruises heal. Nonetheless, as scary as the diagnosis was, in reading up on it, sometimes treating it can lead to a cessation, depending on what was causing it.

So, I resigned myself to doing as the doctor ordered. I did contact my doctor and mentioned my concerns about bruising, and she gave me advice to stop taking my aspirin if that happened, and discuss it further with the cardiologist.

The pharmacy called.  Apparently, my insurance company will not cover it without prior approval. So I called the cardiologist office (Wednesday) and explained the situation, and that the doctor would need to get preapproval for it.

As of yesterday, my pharmacist still had not heard anything, so I called and left yet another message.

At the same time, one of my friends in England, who is now a surgeon in a big city hospital, suggested I get tested for H5IAA which apparently is some kind of adrenaline overload issue that occurs. Her concern was that, A-Fib usually causes LOW blood pressure, not the high that I keep experiencing. She said although rare, when kidney issues, high blood pressure and palpitations all come into play, that sometimes this can be the cause.

My doctor agreed to allowing me to be tested, so I made the appointment ... then got a call that it could not be done in-house, I'd have to go to Quest Diagnostics to have them do it. Hubby is off work next Friday, so that will be part of our day's errands then.

After a few days of relative peace, last night was awful, with strong palpitations that made me feel so sick and afraid. I took 1/2 a 325mg aspirin (since it's an anti-coagulant), and 1/2 a Valium (to help calm me) but did not sleep well at all, lay awake doing a lot of praying and trying not to cry,  and dozed on and off through this morning.

Thankfully, at 4pm today, I have my reflexology appointment, and I am so looking forward to it. I am very thankful I found Roger at Studio Rejuvenate. I know it is helping me so much, especially in calming me.

Have a lovely Easter weekend, my friends

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