Tuesday, May 23, 2017

And so this is Tuesday ...

Hubby had taken yesterday off to take me to the cardiologist, so today was our first day back with the alarm blaring at 5.30am ... I need to win the lottery so that we'll never have to do that again, LOL. I hate being in the middle of an awesome dream and then that awful nose blasts through, shattering the peace. Oh well, such is life.

Its raining pretty heavily here this morning. Yesterday was overcast and cooler, providing a much welcome break from the recent heatwave we've had.

My cardiologist appointment went well, really well. I think my BP was the lowest it's been in YEARS, I was amazed! 116/54. I was very thankful too! Such a blessing after having 200s/100s!

I'd also lost another 2lbs, making a total of 63lbs so far! Still a long way to go, but every little helps! It's a journey!

So yesterday was a pretty good day, for me. I had a day where I felt great, and that was so welcome, after feeling so ill for so long.

I'm starting today feeling decent too, so am hoping to be productive and get some work done!

Have a lovely day, my friends

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