Wednesday, June 7, 2017

A Good Day So Far

I had a rough night but went back to sleep after hubby left for work, this morning. I'd been unable to sleep knowing my poor granddaughter and her family had been awake 24 hours, had a delayed flight from Boston due to weather, and still had to drive home from Atlanta once they made it to the airport. We had storms coming through here, too, and I just couldn't sleep for worrying. They did make it home safely though, and will probably sleep today away.

Since waking, after my nap, I've been enjoying my day. 

I managed to make it to the other end of the house, and popped bedding in to wash. I LOVE the smell and feel of fresh washed sheets! 

I found the latest series of Rectify on Netflix, and have started catching up on it. It's a very good show, yes very slow at times, but very deep and complex. 

Had myself a Healthy Choice Sesame Chicken for lunch, with a  Strawberry Cheesecake Fiber One bar for dessert. It was what I fancied, and a little of what you fancy does you good, as they say. I usually try to eat mainly unprocessed stuff now, I love my fruits and salads, but today, I just felt like having what I had.

I have worked on my AVON this morning. I had one of my customers call me, and we chatted awhile, and then I sent out an email offer of a discount code, to all my customers whose email addresses I have. I still have to work on some working with some of my team members.

It's a beautiful day outside, and I have the doors and windows open just letting the fresh air in. 2 fans running but saving by not needing the AC, for which I am thankful, although Duke Power will probably resent not getting my dollars.

I have given up on finding my birth certificate (I've been looking for it since before my birthday, as I need it to get my driver's license renewed) so yesterday, I ordered another from the General Registrar's Office. Once it gets here, we can go to Greer and get me back behind the wheel. I must admit, I'm quite happy being a passenger, but hubby seems to be getting fed up with being the only chauffeur.

While searching, rummaging through places I might find it, I ended up looking through some memorabilia from my QEII sailings. I really enjoyed them!

My first was in 1990, when hubby had left the Air Force as we ended our last posting in Germany, after I had taken my last flight and vowed never to do that to myself again. I sailed from Southampton to New York, and then took an Amtrak down to Sanford in Florida, where my hubby met me at the train station.

The sailing was a wonderful experience, and I met some awesome people. Each had their own story to tell.

Eddie Khedoury was a lonely man who I saw a lot of, and spoke to, during the trip. He had led an interesting life. He was born in Iraq and then living in London, he had originally immigrated from Iraq to Canada, and then - as a Canadian citizen - moved to England. Apparently he had made his money in dealing arms, and originally had tried to immigrate to England from Iraq and been turned down. He had married, and he and his wife had chosen not to have children, but to live a jet set life, travelling the world.

Then she had died, and he was all alone.

I felt sorry for him, with no family, and he joined the table I was with, in the restaurant. I loved our bunch, the others were such interesting people and all had stories to tell. One lady was a teacher from Toronto, one man was an international gold dealer, and another had played cello with orchestras all over the world. The conversations were always engaging.

Mauretania Restaurant photo,
Me and Eddie Khedoury

I loved the daily activities on board, and attended a stage show in the theater, along with various talks and lectures. It was really awesome.

Hard to think, now, that that trip was 27 years ago! My first taste of ocean travel, and the one that whetted my appetite!

Have a great day, my friends. Many blessings.

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