Saturday, August 26, 2017

It's been a decent week!

Overall, this has been a good week. I've had a couple of not-so-good evenings/nights where the heartrate has gone a wee bit awry and the BP has decided to try to scare me, but I've stayed calm and managed to get through it, so I am thankful!

The bad side of that though, is I am a stress-eater, so when that happens, I unconsciously munch, and when I tally what I've eaten it's a big "oh dear" for me. I do understand the why though, and I am not someone who beats myself up over my lapses, so it's just a bump in the road of my healthy eating and weight loss journey.

Got some bills paid this week, and ordered some of my bulk stuff. My WATKINS for starters. I'm hooked on their Aloe and Green Tea fragrance and have my dish soap (for the next 6 months)coming in, along with the all-purpose cleaner and the room freshener. I did say I was hooked! LOL.  I've also ordered my curry powder and sesame seeds, plus my chicken soup base, for the kitchen, and my lavender and lemon cream body washes, which are all favourites, and have some other products to try to see if I like them as much.

Yesterday we took Miss Princess, also known as Boo and Boo Bear, back to the vet to have her splint changed again. She has to have it changed 6 times, and I THINK this is the 3rd or 4th change (I lose track!).  

As you can see, she's rocking the "look" LOL.

 She has a fan club there now. The vet has also been trying different remedies for her skin issues (she's 14 now and her immune system just isn't what it used to be) and we are seeing a small improvement. Inbetween the pills and twice weekly mousse application, I've been spraying her once or twice a week with a mix of Skin So Soft bath oil, apple cider vinegar and a few drops of lavender oil, too.

Yesterday I placed a Zaycon order for salmon and chicken breasts. I am so happy I found them. Many orders, I split with friend or friends, as there are only myself and hubby at home, although I share mine sometimes with my granddaughters too. This order, my friend Petra and I are going halves on. I still have pork chops ad ground beef stocked up in the freezer from previous orders. I love knowing it's farm to consumer, raised antibiotic free and minimally processed.

This season, AVON is the make-up partner on "Project Runway" and so I am now a Thursday evening watcher, and I must admit, I am pleasantly surprised. I'd never watched the show before, just thinking it was a glitz and glamour type thing (thus "not my style" LOL. I did not realise that it was more of a designer show, with challenges to create from unusual materials (this past episode was with recycleables) or to certain criteria. 

Last week I picked the episode's "winning" designer, Deyonte, but I missed this week. My fave was Kenya, who was a runner up. I just felt her design was something more "wearable" for the masses.

This was her design, a regular looking summery dress.

She and Deyonte are my faves so far.

Another good thing this week, for me, were the results of the ultrasound on the lump on my clavicle, at the right side of my neck, which came back as nothing abnormal(as in cancerous, or something like that). My doctor is going to recheck in when I go for my next appointment in about 4 weeks. I was thankful for the result, as with my issues of being unable to have surgeries with anaesthesia, plus the problems I have with so many medications, anything requiring an infusion or chemo would have been very worrisome, likewise the possibility of having to remain calm and them cut it out with just a numbing shot and me being awake while they did.

Guess that's it for now.

Have a great weekend, enjoy!

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