Monday, November 13, 2017

I admit my mind is wierd!

My mind takes me on some delicious little jaunts sometimes, into dreams that are a mismatch of people and activities, some very odd, and some waking moments when - overtired - it pops a question or two that really make me go "hmmm".

Overnight and this morning's nap proved quite interesting.

The dream, seems a mismatch of characters I've never met before, and yet know well, in it. The places that it took place in were a house that you just entered, as the door was never locked and anyone could go in. As you went in there was a tired looking girl with a headset on playing music "for the house". The house was it's own entity. Just seemed normal from the outside but inside was seemingly of department store directions, including 2 large rest rooms much like you'd find in a store somewhere and after another long walk to get to it, an animal shelter area, outside and in, where there was an alligator, 2 mid size piglets, a tiny baby piglet with no water just lying in what looked like a shoebox. They were all on the outside area where there were cobblestones.

Out the back of the house, there was another cobbled area that overlooked the ocean or maybe it was just an endless lake, and people sat in foldable chairs along the edge of this cobbled area, watching the water for a boat coming in that was going to take some out on the water. It was choppy though and so there was conversation going on that certain people had decided they weren't going to bother taking the trip.

Indoors, upstairs, I was watching a televised performance of the Les Miz show that I saw last night at the Peace Center, with a lady of either German or Eastern European origin, as she spoke with a very distinct accent. We were discussing some of the bawdy parts and whether the children should have seen them.

There were lots of children in the house, most around 8 or 9. No idea whose they were or where they came from, they were just there.

When I was outside with the people watching the ocean, I was me, like now, unable to walk properly and using my ridearound but inside the house, I was walking normally. Whoever was supposed to be caring for the animals had left them, and the piglet in a  box was in a poor way and I was trying to get it revived with fluids, and get all the animals in out of the sun, by myself.

However the alligator was loose and I had to try to find someone to help.

I went into the rest room and the toilets were full, so I flushed them, but they overflowed, so I had to ask the lady watching television where the stuff was to clean it up, she told me just to get puppy pads from the shelter to soak it up.

Then I woke up so I have do idea what would have happened next. But what a jumble!

Now, in the night, I awoke as I usually do, but my brain was having one of its "let's give her something to think about moments" to keep me awake as I fought to go back to sleep.

Question: A fertilized ovum contains all the DNA from the parents of the future baby BUT, if that ovum is then inserted into a surrogate, and it is HER blood that then surges through that foetus as it grows, how does that NOT affect the DNA in any way? How can it pulse through that tiny body providing nourishment and removing waste, via the placenta, and yet not change anything to do with the baby's genetic make up. Leave no trace of itself.

Just puzzling, eh?

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