Thursday, December 28, 2017

Reflections - My Backyard Barnyard

Coming to the end of another year, the loss of our last Nubian, Sadie, signaled the end of an era. 14 years of goat-keeping, of 4 main characters, Rammy and Cleo, and Red and Sadie, and their offspring along the way. So many memories. Their different personalities. Fun times, and not so fun times. Long hours awaiting births, hard work trying to milk Sadie and Cleo (who were most definite that they were NOT going to be demeaned in that way!), lots of mucking out, lots of bulking up bedding during cold Winters. It is sad to have lost them all now, but the memories live on.

Rammy was our first. In August of 2003. we had moved into our house in June, and I wanted goats and chickens ... and who knew what else. We had an acre field, and it had a pole barn down there.

Scanning the livestock ads, I came across one for a 3 week old Nubian. When we got to see him, he was still basically newborn size, as he had been a tiny baby and not expected to live.

Even a couple of months later, he was till dwarfed by the tiger lilies down the side of our driveway.

We did everything wrong with Rammy. They warn you not to treat baby goats like a puppy ... hubby did! I kept telling him not to, but to no avail. Unfortunately, what is fun and cute when they are 18" or so at the shoulder, is not quite so easy to deal with when they are 4 feet at that same point.

Rammy would treat us like another goat. The way they rear up and butt heads, he would rear up and bring his head down and "butt" our outstretched hand.  Had he not have been so mild-mannered, that could have been dangerous, but - although mischievous - Rammy was not out to hurt he just wanted to play.

For the first couple of months, he stayed inside. I put a large dog pen in our laundry room (along with all the foster kittens we had at that time, for a local rescue), and bedded it with hay, and he slept in there overnight. Daytimes he just pranced around the yard while we did whatever.

Goats are societal creatures though, so we wanted a friend and mate for him, and found a 4 month old doeling who we named Cleo.

With having the 2, hubby made 2 separate stalls in the pole barn, and we put mesh at the bottom so that they could "see" each other even having their own sleeping space. Thus Rammy moved out of his little sleeping pen in the laundry room and down into the barn, into his own stall.

In January 2004, just before a snowstorm hit, I ended up with Red and Sadie. I had been trying to help another lady with her young goats and it wasn't going well. I already had some health issues, as did she, but she was neither any worse, nor better, than I, despite her always moaning about being a "poor disabled lady". As I came to find out later, she was a scammer, sadly.

She was very demanding. She had told me I needed to come and help more, and I had explained that working, having my own animals to take care of, and a hubby to get dinner ready for, I could not come every day, I could do maybe 3 times a week. Her goats were sick, they were very wild compared to Rammy and Cleo, very timid and hard to catch in order to give shots and medicate. I felt sorry for them but had my own to care for. She started saying I should take them to mine so I could get them better for her, but I didn't want to get my 2 sick, and I only had the 2 stalls. Things came to a head, with her calling me one evening to say she was giving me the goats as she couldn't care for them any more. I told her, I still couldn't bring them to mine until they were well. Suffice to say, she called the next night and said "oh you need to come over and feed YOUR GOATS". I was horrified, and I said to Mark, "she's not going to feed or water them. She'll let them starve if I don't go over every day and feed them". He said, "we'll have to go over and get them", so I called her back and said that we were coming to get them.

We had a larger pen, that we set on the back of the pick up truck, and put blankets over to try to cut down on draughts as we travelled. We got home about 10pm, the snow was starting to fall, and I bundled Rammy and Cleo together, so that I could put Red and Sadie in the other stall. Unfortunately the mesh at the bottom meant that I ended up with 4 sick goats, and within days had become very proficient in administering Nasalgen, Nutridrench and giving shots.

They were both so timid at first, and being so mistreated by my efforts to get them well, didn't help in taming them at all. For a few weeks, we would put them on a leash in their stall and bring them out on it so that they couldn't just run off, because even "just" a one acre field is plenty big enough for them to elude 2 humans attempting to catch them.

Once well, despite remaining somewhat skittish, they adjusted and bonded with Rammy and Cleo. The girls hung out and the boys would play and butt heads and such.

Red's hoofs were a major issue. He had had a broken ankle a a baby, and his hoofs grew uneven and constantly needed trimming. He was such a gentle soul though, such a good boy and put up with it, although you could tell he hated having it done.

We lost him first, when he was 11, and then Rammy a few months later. Cleo had a prolapse when she was 13, and had to be put down, and Sadie left us last month.

Cleo had always been a brash, bossy and obstinate girl, whose 'bull in a china shop" approach went with a nosy nature and way-too-healthy appetite. She would ram the others to get her head in their food pans while leaving her own, or after having eaten all of hers. She was a greedy little moo!

I'd mix beet pulp, alfalfa, mixed grain and pellets for them, they'd have carrots and apples, persimmons off the tree in the field. The vet came out one time to do CAE testing and laughed, he said he'd never seen such pampered goats!

Cleo was a lover, too, though. In Summer, I'd sit down the field on the box that Sadie is standing on, in the pic, and Cleo would stand behind me and rest her head on my shoulder for me to rub her face and ears.

After Cleo's loss, Sadie took to hanging out up in the front yard, with our dogs.  It was quite odd, if she was out alone, she acted like a goat, just strolled around (sometimes with the last chicken, riding on her back) but if she was out with our 4 dogs, she was a part of the pack and acted like a dog, running with them.

She knew the sound of our vehicle and, as we pulled up to the gate, she would come to greet up; hubby  joked about us having to pay a toll, to get in. We would buy her french fries as her "treat".

They may be gone now, but we remember them all fondly. Their personalities, and our memories of them, are etched in our minds forever

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Wishing you a blessed Christmas Eve

Christmas is my favourite time of the year, so I want to wish you all the joys of the season. Enjoy the magic, make memories with your families, and rejoice in the story of Christ's birth. 

Eat ... but not too much

Drink ... but don't overdo it

Hope you get everything you desire, now and in the new year.

God bless you all, and thank you for being a part of my life

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Things are coming together ... slowly

If I were a character in the story of The Hare and the Tortoise, I'd be the tortoise, LOL, as speedy is no longer in my vocabulary. However, even my slow progress in doing many things, brings me satisfaction and a feeling of accomplishment.

Today, digging through boxes, I found part of the Nativity Set that I've been hunting for ...  I found my three wise men. They are now on the shelf. Still hunting for the rest of the people and animals though.

I also found a box of stuff to go be donated and even more stuff to just chuck out. This de-cluttering is really "freeing" LOL.

I plod through and do some, and then I rest for a while. Getting old, for me, has been a sobering experience, to say the least. We used to joke I'd be 65, hobbling with a cane, still in my leather jacket and riding bikes. Nope, ain't happening. There's no way I could cock my leg over a bike now, let alone lean around corners. I can laugh though and say, I'm not a wannabe, I'm a used-to-be ... or as some might say, a has-been. Ha ha!

It's funny some of the things I've found digging through, things I'd totally forgotten.

An old Poetry Now magazine. And when I looked through, it was a copy with one of my poems in. From "back in the day" when I was writing.

I had forgotten the days of me submitting my poems to this, and other magazines, in the hopes of  seeing them in print.

I used to find inspiration everywhere, then just seems like I "dried up". Odd that.

Sprucie Baby is half-dressed. I need more baubles! I thought what I had would be enough, but it just didn't do as much as I thought. We have lights, but I want to get all his baubles in him first before stringing them. My arthritic hands made putting the baubles on, into a major challenge, but I got them all attached, in the end. Just took awhile and a lot of second and third attempts with some of them!

Last night, we broke down and got a trailer in Tractor Supply's sale. I did it though Ebates so I got cash back, saved $150 on it in the sale, and now we don't need to rent a van to pick up the wall unit and couches this weekend. Very satisfied all round!

Sunday night, I should be relaxing in my "new" living room, and I am so excited.

We had to postpone getting it painted until after Christmas as the painter has been busy and it was almost 3 weeks and he still hadn't managed to come and give us a quote. No worries though. It's all good. I can be patient. I'm feeling fairly content right now

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Another pretty productive day

I do love it when things go "right" and my body lets me accomplish things. I do NOT overdo it, I joke that I have 2 speeds, slow and "resting", so any task takes me 2 or 3 snatches of doing part, and then a rest, then doing a bit more, then resting again. It's tedious, but on a good day, I can get quite a bit done in dribs and drabs.

Today, I managed to clear off and clean the other bookshelf out of what was my AVON room, and cheated and had hubby carry it through to the living room for me, so now the 3 are all in position along the wall where they belong.

Then I cleaned the stereo and speakers, and hubby set them in the cabinet where they belong. 

Things are starting to take shape.

Due to the weather, we postponed picking up the wall unit and couches until next weekend. The couches are from Big Lots, the wall unit, I got off a local FB sale group from a lady who lives quite close to us.

I am going to be putting our computer desk where the lady has the table. It kind of matches what we already have.

I'm excited to see to all come together. Can hardly wait to pick this up and the couches, next weekend, and FINALLY have a living room again!

Friday, December 8, 2017

The living room is coming together slowly

I am feeling quite accomplished today. I managed to clean and move a whole bookshelf, and all its contents, out of my AVON room and into my living room. One down and another still to do, but as you all know, I operate on 2 speeds only, slow and oops-gotta-rest, so I am thankful I was able to get this done albeit that I had to rest between taking the bookshelf through, and then coming back and taking all the ornaments through to place back in their positions, after cleaning.

I still have to get all my boxed Mrs Albees back out of their boxes and pop them all back again.

The wall cabinets and shelves we got done over the past 2 weeks are here:

Hubby still has to connect this end for me, and tonight I'm hoping to get the stereo and speakers cleaned and have him put them in the bottom spaces and connect them all up.

I am just so looking forward to finally getting it all together. 2 weeks of shelf and cabinet cleanings and movings, decluttering, donating some stuff, trashing some, and it's slowly getting there.

Tonight, we are heading to big lots to pay for the 2 couches that we decided on. Yes, we will now have a couch apiece, only $5 difference in price from the loveseat so we decided, ok, we will get his 'n' hers couches, LOL.

I'm not totally hooked on the colour, but I am TOTALLY hooked on the comfort. We sat on one in the store last week, and it was wonderful!

That's about where we are at with it all so far.

Enjoy your weekend!

Sunday, December 3, 2017

A sad weekend

Today we lost our darlin' Sadie,  she was 14 years old, and had lived a good life with us. She was "acting funny" for a few days and then got very listless.

We'll remember her for her exotic eating preferences - persimmons, peaches and french fries. The fries were the toll she demanded for entry through the front gates once she started living up in the front yard and hanging out with the dogs, after her buddy Cleo died a couple of years ago.

It's the end of an era, she was our last surviving goatie furbaby.