Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Things are coming together ... slowly

If I were a character in the story of The Hare and the Tortoise, I'd be the tortoise, LOL, as speedy is no longer in my vocabulary. However, even my slow progress in doing many things, brings me satisfaction and a feeling of accomplishment.

Today, digging through boxes, I found part of the Nativity Set that I've been hunting for ...  I found my three wise men. They are now on the shelf. Still hunting for the rest of the people and animals though.

I also found a box of stuff to go be donated and even more stuff to just chuck out. This de-cluttering is really "freeing" LOL.

I plod through and do some, and then I rest for a while. Getting old, for me, has been a sobering experience, to say the least. We used to joke I'd be 65, hobbling with a cane, still in my leather jacket and riding bikes. Nope, ain't happening. There's no way I could cock my leg over a bike now, let alone lean around corners. I can laugh though and say, I'm not a wannabe, I'm a used-to-be ... or as some might say, a has-been. Ha ha!

It's funny some of the things I've found digging through, things I'd totally forgotten.

An old Poetry Now magazine. And when I looked through, it was a copy with one of my poems in. From "back in the day" when I was writing.

I had forgotten the days of me submitting my poems to this, and other magazines, in the hopes of  seeing them in print.

I used to find inspiration everywhere, then just seems like I "dried up". Odd that.

Sprucie Baby is half-dressed. I need more baubles! I thought what I had would be enough, but it just didn't do as much as I thought. We have lights, but I want to get all his baubles in him first before stringing them. My arthritic hands made putting the baubles on, into a major challenge, but I got them all attached, in the end. Just took awhile and a lot of second and third attempts with some of them!

Last night, we broke down and got a trailer in Tractor Supply's sale. I did it though Ebates so I got cash back, saved $150 on it in the sale, and now we don't need to rent a van to pick up the wall unit and couches this weekend. Very satisfied all round!

Sunday night, I should be relaxing in my "new" living room, and I am so excited.

We had to postpone getting it painted until after Christmas as the painter has been busy and it was almost 3 weeks and he still hadn't managed to come and give us a quote. No worries though. It's all good. I can be patient. I'm feeling fairly content right now

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