Tuesday, March 20, 2018

A Productive Morning

Having older doggies can be a bit of a challenge sometimes, they get opportune ailments as well as the chronic ones, and tend to get picky with their food. Of our 4, 2 are 14 and 2 are 12, and we run the gamut of all the issues.  This morning has been a doggie care morning.

With the beginning of Spring, Princess (also known as Boo and Boo Bear, along with Boofalicious) always gets ear mites.  She's the only one. The past few days, since noticing her shaking her head (an an examination showing why!) I have been swabbing her ears with a cotton pad soaked in ear mite treatment. She just shakes drops out when I try to get them in, this way I am cleaning out the gunk and coating her ear with the treatment ... and at least it stays in!

She is a ham for the camera, that's for sure!

Mr Max (aka Maximum Overdrive when he was younger, and the MacDaddy) suffers a bit with his hips now and has some meds from the vet to keep him pain free. He and I have had "the talk" and I've told him, I'm not going to put him to sleep just because he's real slow getting up or has a stiff hip ... since I suffer the same and wouldn't want somone else deciding to kill me because of it. He'll let me know when it's time.

He gets an irritation and loses his fur on the base of his tail, so this morning he (and the others) got sprayed with a Skin So Soft mixture that usually soothes his and stops the others from getting the same.

Miss Angel has gone from a very haughty youngster who used to go do the caner walks with her daddy every year, to a silly lovey-dovey old lady BUT still obstinate and wilfull as ever. Her "other" names being Brat and She-Who-No-Longer-Obeys tell you something about that.

Proud as punch and Queen of her domain. She was about 4 when this was taken.

Lapping up the attention from my friend's daughter, and just look at that cheesy smile!

Mystery, our "wild dog puppy" that we think was autistic, is the healthiest of the bunch. She seems to have a very strong immune system, which is good, as any vet visit requires sedation in order to transport her.

So, I wormed them all and made them a nice big pot of macaroni cheese with ground beef and mixed veggies, which - thankfully - they do all eat, and they are now outside in the sunshine.

Have a great day everyone!

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