Monday, September 16, 2019

This afternoon, our beloved Gizmo has crossed the rainbow bridge

He was a character, that's for sure, and definitely "the Man" in his domain. He was a gentle soul, a pain in the butt, could be a pest, but was a gentleman through and through.

He was just a kitten, back in 2004 when we first fostered him with Kitten Action Team. He'd been with another foster home previously and they had nursed him through feline upper respiratory disease, he was very sick, and the vet had advised euthanasia, but his foster mama had said no, she wanted him to have a chance, and she nursed him through it. He had surgery on his eyes because of it, I don't fully remember why, and had permanent black leakage from this inner eyes, all through his life.

He was a tough kitten though. He took it all. For many years we had to take him for shots for the allergies that plagued him all of his 16 years or so, and then a vet told me that I could give him the 2mg over the counter allergy pills ... not that he enjoyed that experience at all. He'd gag and drip all kinds of gooey mess, for a few minutes, from his nose and mouth, requiring gently wiping it off with tissue to get it away from both so that he could breathe. Once it cleared though, he'd be so relieved and his breathing and "snottiness" would ease again.

He used to snuggle on my chest as a kitten and gently and rhythmically paw my shoulder as he sucked on my neck ...

He had a strut though, that said he was cock of the walk ... "this is MY domain" ... he thought he was a lion king.

It's hard losing furbabies, and sadly, because all of ours are older, it has been happening more and more. Since July of last year, we have said goodbye to Angel (14), Mystery (13) and Boo (15) and now to Gizmo. The only thing I can say is that they all know they were loved.

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