Thursday, November 26, 2020


 The turkey's in the oven, the aroma is divine.

Potatoes in the saucepan, just awaiting cooking time.

Veggies in the freezer, California blend and sprouts,

When it's time to cook them, they'll be coming out.

Thankful for my family and thankful for my friends,

No matter how my moods swing my thankfulness never ends,

I'm grateful for His mercy in forgiving all my sins,

I'm thankful for His grace, and that the Devil never wins.

I'm thankful for the sunshine and the moistening drops of rain,

I'm thankful for the mornings that make things new again.

They're like a constant Springtime, fresh chances to get it right,

and I'm thankful for the stars and moon brightening the night.

Life may be a constant struggle, we all have our cross to bear,

Some days worse than others and we'll complain that life's not fair,

but instead of counting sorrows, we should count the joys,

dismiss the mountains as if molehills and reject the Devil's ploys.

Be blessed my friends today and share this time with those you love,

in all things being grateful to He who reigns above.

Cherish all the good times, and learn from all the bad,

Make memories, be happy, and thankful for all you have.

Rose Dempsey 11/26/2020

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