Sunday, July 18, 2021

We are officially tuckered out!

Another brilliant day.  

Hubby got the patio furniture out of the cabin and I cleaned them up, polished the rattan, and the front porch is definitely looking sorta cozy. We still have a lot to do, but it will take time and money, so improvements will be as we can afford it. 

I am now trying to figure out what plants I want to put in there.  I am thinking some dwarf banana trees in pots on the grey stand that we found by the side of the road. They'd be some great foliage at that end of the porch. I also want some scented plants, so am thinking maybe lavender, rosemary and gardenia in pots. Methinks that would be a gorgeous fragrance just hanging in the air.

Hubby took trash to Conestee, while I prepped tubs of cherries and grapes for his lunch box, and an iced brownie for each day. I try to balance his lunches and snacks for throughout each day.

It really has been a busy 3 day weekend. We have busted butt with everything. My mate Kwacha helped us yesterday, and had fun riding hubby's mower. Hubby took 2 truck loads of trash and we did some serious decluttering. To me, that's a productive effort!

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