Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Unexpected Money - Oh how easily I spent it!

Yesterday gave us a pleasant surprise, some extra money in the bank account as my husband's disability through the VA was approved for his service-related issues from dealing with bad chemicals in the late 80s that are now banned, but were used back then to "clean" everything - including arms and hands!

I am a cheapskate. I batch cook and divvy stuff out to make it go farther, I use up leftovers, and I am a queen of B1G1Fs and store loyalty cards, but yesterday and today I blew money like it was going out of style ... and now our bank account is depleted once again.

As much as I hate spending money, it seems I do it soooo well. 

I paid ahead on utilities (the bills for this month were already paid;

made hubby's truck payment (ahead on that too now until the end of August because I pay something every week to keep it ahead);

bought an ink cartridge for the printer, 2 dog beds and treats (now that we have our great grand puppy, Kassel's, old crate for Brunel, he needed a new bed for it and we are using his old one for when Rover comes to stay, so we needed a bed for that too. It means that we don't have to bring his crate with him every time, making it easier on my granddaughter, and us);

a new fob for Mark's truck as the current one is sometimes not wanting to lock/unlock doors or start the vehicle and yet other times does ok;  

2 tires for my car and had them check the sensor issue;

another rollator walker for me as I'm down to one and it was handy just leaving one in each vehicle and having one in the house, 

and despite feeling bad that I blew so much, I think I did well and it was mainly things I've been needing and haven't been able to juggle the paycheck to afford.

While we were at Lowe's getting the 2 screen doors (which hubby is putting on as I type this) we looked at things for our bathroom and kitchen remodelling that's going to be happening later this year and early next.  I found a nice grey bathroom cabinet that will look nice in the grey/pink/white colour scheme that I'm planning. 

I'm a white porcelain, white paintwork/trim kind of girl so the sink will be white and I'm thinking a grey marble look top. Walls will be pale pink, and I have a pink ceramic jug and washbowl that a friend made for me in Sembach, many many moons ago, that will have pride of place. The toilet we have is still great, so we'll reuse it, and when it's disconnected I will scrub it all nicely so's it looks as good as new.

I am having issues trying to find a plain walk in tub that's just a seated bath basically, no jets or anything because I am freaky about electric and water, and even though  I KNOW the wiring isn't near the water, with my BP and heart issues, I can't deal with trying to not think about it. I want my tub to be a relaxing experience, not a stressful one, saith she.

My kitchen planning is going well, in that I've made some decisions on what I want, and utilizing what is already there. We have a red-brick wall at one end of the kitchen that goes 2/3 up the wall and has a mantel shelf on it, and then the 1/3 above is just blank. We are going to leave the brickwork as is, and add decorative tile above it.

At the opposite end where my stove is, we will mimic that end by surrounding the stove with fake red-brick veneer over plyboard and above it, thus hiding the hood behind what looks like real brickwork. We'll match the tiling to the same decorative tile used on the far wall.

I've picked my stove, and - for someone who doesn't like spending money - it is expensive but a lot cheaper than my first choice (by about $18,000!). I've rediscovered a love of cooking and also, this being freestanding means my feet can fit under it while I am sitting and cooking ... trying to cook sideways these past few years has been very painful, but I had to do what I had to do.

I am feeling quite accomplished in having used the money wisely, and in getting a few more ideas kind of set in concrete for what I want. There's still lots of planning to do, and am thinking the bathroom project will be the first as it is smaller and should be able to be completed in less time, maybe a week or two, between the reflooring, ripping out the wall, rearranging the fittings and such.

So, that's been life in the Dempsey household the last couple of days.  Plus, I filled out 2 surveys, 1 each from NTB and Lowe's, to give kudos to all the people who helped us today. Theyd esreved a pat on the back.

Have a great day everyone!


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