Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Hubby is progressing nicely

 Suffice to say, hubby is getting the hang of his crutches pretty well. Some days he is almost whizzing around on them, with me nagging him to be careful, take it easy, and a host of other cautionary imploring, all of which appears to fall on deaf ears. At least he IS mindful of the "no weight" on that leg for 6-8 weeks, which was something I was well worried about.  With him being diabetic AND having the leukaemia, I am so worried that he might mess it up and end up losing the leg because of it.  Thankfully, all's going well, and he is not in as much pain any more, more of a dull ache, he says.

Life is full of his appointments.  Today is his cancer doctor, tomorrow Physical Therapy, Thursday his allergist for a check up, and Friday, Physical Therapy AT 8.30 IN THE MORNING(!!!!) and then his VA doctor in the afternoon.

Brunel is definitely feeling depressed at not having been to the park, in a month, to play with his friends. As cold as it has started getting, he's not even wanting to go outside until he has to, poor baby.

As for me, I'm losing my mind.  I've lost a couple of things lately and no amount of searching, or praying to St Anthony, is shining a light on where they are. UGH! I hate when I do things like that. With all the decluttering I've been doing, there's not telling where I've put them.

I am getting the hang of how I can do my Teeter, although I only do it for 10 minutes at a time. Because it is not recumbent like the gym ones, it's awkward with my one knee that's less flexible so I kind of don't do a full motion like I want to, I just pump up and down before the actual end of the stride. I still pedal on my trusty elliptical bike though. 

Weight-wise, this has been a bad year for me.  I got sick back in January, and since I can't do decongestants and cold remedies, I was constantly applying Vick's but needed to do hot drinks for my throat ... I don't usually do hot drinks.  So, I had added calories and sodium as I downed cuppa soups and hot chocolate to soothe my throat and open it up. Added to which, not feeling good meant I wasn't exercising as much as I like to, so it was a double whammy.

With hubby home, eating has been erratic, plus I'm an emotional eater, so stress does it to me. Suffice to say, this year I've put back on 11 lbs altogether, and am not happy about it. Along with that, I've not been exercising on the schedule I had, and am having to try to fit in my pedalling and teeter.

No worries, onward I plod. I am thankful for all my blessings and that gets me through.

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