Tuesday, January 23, 2024


Hubby returned to work last Wednesday, and we've pretty much settled back into a routine. I get up at 5am, use the auto start to get his truck running and warming up, make him breakfast and a cup of coffee, pack his lunch and snacks for work, let Brunel and Lightning out, feed said pair of 4 leggeds, feed the feline 4-legged, check hubby has his phone and has taken his pills, and then he's gone. He's out of the house by 5.30pm and will be gone until almost 5pm of an evening.

Brunel and Lightning say their goodbyes ... and then rush into the bedroom, jump on the bed and claim their spots on his side of the bed. I do some stuff online, my AVON, check FB, play my memory and observation games to keep my brain savvy, and then - usually around 7am or so - I switch everything off and go back to sleep for a couple of hours. I used to feel bad about it, but not any more. As my granddaughter said "you're almost 70", and since I worked in nursing homes as a CNA, I've seen folks much younger than me, sleep way more than I do. So, now, my naps are guilt-free.

Today's been a pretty good day. Not by much, but def a bit warmer than the past couple of weeks. I've not had to run my heat to excess, although my heartrate slowed a bit earlier, but 20 minutes of pedalling on my elliptical bike, and 30 minutes on my teeter, got it back to where I felt ok. When your resting heartrate is 45-50, when it slows below that it makes me feel decidedly "off".

The boys played outside for a bit, and I sat on the porch watching them bounding around the yard, chasing each other, rolling over each other, and generally acting silly and happy, amid growls and yelps. They are happy boys. Lightning is now less "snappy", especially around my face during "lovings", so he is learning. They are both spoiled rotten, and know it.

Madam is spoiled also, she sleeps on the bed of a nighttime, but chooses to hide in hubby's closet and sleep on his clothes, during the day. 

Now that hubby's doctor has released him, he's going to start on the remodelling projects again. Hopefully, in a few weeks, I'll be able to take a bath in my nice new walk-in tub, with my scented candles for soft lighting and Deuter playing. To say I am so ready, is an understatement. That had been what I wanted to indulge in on Christmas Day ... but - of course - hubby's broken leg and surgery put paid to that idea. All the best laid plans, as they say.

Well, hubby will be home in a couple of hours and I'm going to do him a pizza tonight. Maybe a hot cup of soup to go with it. It's still chilly, still Winter, even if it's not frigid, so warm comfort food's the way to go!

Enjoy your evening!

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