It's definitely been a busy couple of months recently, that's for sure! We've made a start on reorganizing the front yard, and moved Mark's shed so that my granddaughter could put one in our yard, for her stuff. We got some gravel delivered, it as a special name but I can't remember what it is, but the stones are smaller and there's concrete like dust in with it. We had 15 tons delivered and hubby has been putting a weed barrier down on the right side of the driveway, and levelling the gravel over it. It's coming together really nicely.
For his birthday, I got hubby a secondhand Massey Ferguson tractor with a bucket, scoop, lawnmowing deck and plough. He loves his new toy and it has made levelling the gravel much easier than by shovel. He's not had a lot of free time for the past few weeks, between doctor visits, pre-retirement financial meetings and stuff to get one of our sheds moved so that my granddaughter's could be delivered, to try out the mower deck yet. He's been using the bucket part to move tree limbs and such that he's been trimming with his new extended arm tree trimmer. I am hoping to get him to plough part of the field and then try to get someone to plant veggies for me and take care of them. Being unable to do that for myself, I may have to pay somebody but I do love fresh veggies from the yard. I can, at least, start the seeds. Just, being unable to stand unaided, planting in the ground just isn't in my capabilities any more.
I am now in the process of getting "The Storybook Witch" illustrated for publication. I have 2 possible professionals and am waiting on the first to give me a sample pic of how he envisions my idea and interprets it, to see if it's what I want. If not, then I'll give the second the same chance and hope that they can. Been trying to get this done for years, and they've rolled along and it's not come to fruition. 2024 is going to be the year that it does.
Hubby's knee is healed better than the surgeon expected, but he cannot kneel on it yet as when he tries, he's on the plate and it pushes on the screws that go into his bone. The surgeon said eventually he'll get the flesh growing more solid around it and then it won't hurt as much. Meanwhile - he can't start on the flooring in the bathroom which needs to be done to restart the bathroom remodelling, so that the walk-in tub can be installed.
I'm thankful though for all our blessings.
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