Today began with a light shower and now the sunshine has dried everything up. It's really nice out there, not too hot, I have the doors and windows open and just a ceiling fan to move the air a bit.
Brunel, Lightning and Rover are splayed out on the bed, legs twitching as they run in their dreams. They snore too! It's good having happy boys. Rover loves it here but he does miss his mum and human siblings. He loves it when they are over and he can chase after Daniel (he's Daniel's dog).
Things have been going ok. 3 weeks into the higher dose of my blood pressure patches and I'm staying more stable than previously. I'd explained to my doctor that I just have so much going on at the moment, and have been running on stress for the past few months since hubby's accident at the dog park, the running around for appointments, his surgery and recovery, my granddaughter having to move because of the burst water and sewer pipes making the property she rented uninhabitable, then her having a shed brought here for her stuff and us having to get ours moved in order to get it situated. I mean, I get WHY my BP was erratic, and I dealt with it with my emergency med regimen, but the doc decided she'd rather me be more stable without having to resort to that.
House projects are still going on. I have a man coming out tomorrow evening to look at our soffitt at the front of the house, and give me a quote for replacing it, and then Monday morning, I have a man from Duke Power coming out to sort out putting up an area light down in the field, to hopefully keep the coyotes at bay, or at least let me see when they are out so that I don't let Brunel, Lightning and Rover out. It's worrisome, in the dark, when the 2 big ones come back and Lightning isn't with them, and just taking his own sweet time coming in, after they've been let out to go potty. An area light will take off some of the stress of worrying about that.
At my last doctor visit I'd lost a pound. I told her, I know I'm a stress eater and (in all honesty) I'd expected the scales to have headed the other way, so even that solitary pound was a nice surprise.
I've been working on building my stamina back up and my times with my pedalling. A couple of years ago, I was averaging a couple of hours a daty, and then I was sick for a couple of weeks and just struggled to get back into it. I was barely able to do 10 minutes, twice a day. I felt like I was being lazy but I just had no "oomph". Now, my problem is my bum going numb, so my sessions are 20-30 minutes and I try to do at least 2 a day and often now do 3 or 4, plus I have the Teeter that I do as well, so I'm happy to be getting fitter again. It doesn't help me with my mobility, I don't stand well unsupported, and walk only with my walker, or holding onto things, but it stops muscles from atrophying and is good for my heart and lungs. I'll take that and be happy with it!
Hubby starts working part-time in 2 weeks, instead of retiring. I have plenty of "honey-dos" to keep him busy, plus am looking forward to him being able to sleep in until his body is ready to wake up. Between the long Covid and the leukaemia, he is constantly tired. Weekends, he sleeps until 10 or 11 some mornings, as long as I leave him to. Sleep is good for him, and he ain't no spring chicken any more, no more than I am.
I've been busy getting my container gardening going. I now have 3 tubs of toamtoes, 1 tub of mixed peppers, and cucumbers and cantaloupes started. My rosemary is outgrowing the planter it's in, so we are going to plant it out so's it can spread. I also need to start taking gardenia and rose cuttings again and getting new bushes started for along the fenceline. Plus, we need to get something sorted down at the back of the field so that we can get a beehive and some bees. Everything takes time and effort though and sometimes hubby and I are like the decrepit leading the decrepit with all our aches, pains and ailments. At least, amongst the seriousness, we can laugh at our fallabilities.
So this is where we are at, at the moment. We can't complain, we are well blessed, and there are so many who suffer a lot more than we do. Enjoy your day.
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