Sunday, June 16, 2024

More Plantings and Planning

It's been another busy week, prepping for the pond and greenhouses that are going to be down in the field. We had to postpone the greenhouse erecting until next week as the heat has already got unbearable, and is going to be hotter this afternoon. I don't want my hubby and grandson dying from heat exposure putting up 2 greenhouses for me. 

The white willow that I put in water (per the instructions that came with it) already has 2 little shoots on. I've started watermelon seeds indoors, in peat pots, and am going to do cantaloupes today, the same way. I'm well prepared for when they grow and fruit, I have little supports for the fruits to keep them off the ground.

Today we tasted our first blueberries off of our blueberry bush - they were sweet but tart - very tasty. The tomato plants are dotted with green tomatoes, and the potatoes, peas and beans are growing nicely. 

I'm still awaiting the arrival of 2 more varieties of plumeria, but the one I got the other day seems to be doing ok. 

The rockpile is growing, as is my pallet collection (which will be used inside my greenhouses to put my pots on.

Wherever we go, we are now picking up pallets (that are free by the roadside), and rocks. Likewise cuttings of wild roses, or off bushes that people will let me take a stem from. Today, I got a pretty yellow rose stem, and have dipped it in rooting powder and popped it into a nice wetted soil pot, and put it on the windowsill along with a wild rose cutting and the white willow. 

I also potted the stems of the rose posy we had bought from Publix a couple of weeks ago, that I'd had in water. The heads had died but there are tiny buds of new growth on the stems, so I deadheaded and then re-rooting-powdered the bottom and popped them into pots of soil. Now I'll just leav ethem on the front porch for a week or so and see how that works. If all goes well, then I'll have to repeat the process with another posy. The next one will be multi colours though.

Made a decision, today, to do the stream first, since it will be easier and give me running water more quickly. That will also mean that we can take our time in getting the main pond how we want it. My plans are getting bigger, I'm seeing a whole "garden of Eden" down there. Various plants and trees, a walkway, bridge and stream, and - of course - fountains and waterfalls. 

It'll take time, but step-by-step, slow and steady, I'm hoping we will get it done.

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