Saturday, June 25, 2016

Enjoying the quiet of the morning

Gosh, another close, muggy morning out there today! There's something wrong when it's still dark outside and it's already in the 70s!

My dog Angel actually wanted out at 4.45am ... but none of the others did. Max and Mystery went out at 5.40am and Boo stayed on the futon , barely opening her eyes to give me a "yeah, that's ok, I'm not moving" look as I settled down to starting to pack up hubby's drinks and snacks for his workday.

Yes, he's doing overtime today. Working hard. Then later, when he gets home, we will be heading out to stock brochures in Ingles in Mauldin, take recyclables to the bin, drop off the library books  that I've finished reading (3 Jonathan Kellerman's and one Faye Kellerman) this week, and drop brochures off on 2 AVON customers who didn't place an order last time but want a new brochure to see what they want, this campaign, and to pick up my cholesterol meds at KMart.

Our Publix now has a lovely section of English goodies, so we're going to head in there so that I can cruise around on the motorized cart, and take a look. Hubby had noticed it when he was in there last week, and sent me a pic. We usually have to go up on Woodruff Rd (ALWAYS a nightmare!) to the European Market, for my English stuff, so having a good selection closer to home is awesome to me, LOL.

For now, though, I'm just enjoying the quiet of the morning. The peacefulness. I do love my mornings. It seems quite odd to me, having grown up in the metropolis that is London, that its hustle and bustle seems so suffocating now and I prefer the boonies to even local built up areas. Ah how we evolve, even without realising.

Have an awesome Saturday, my friends.

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