Friday, June 3, 2016

This day has gone way too quickly!

You know how it goes - time seems to fly when you are having fun. Well, today has been one of those days. 

My Ancestry DNA kit came in the mail the other day, because I want to get my DNA checked and see what a mongrel heritage I have. I know I'm English but from the original native tribes there have been countless infusions of new blood via conquerors of the Gallic, Nordic and Roman races along with others. It'll be neat to see where all of my genetic make-up falls.

Well, then, today made me an offer I couldn't refuse - and so I now have a year long subscription to the worldwide records. I swear ... I did not intend to be on there all day ... but I was.

I added info to relatives of my own family and ancestors, added more to my granddaughter's, Angelica's and Nicolette's, trees and reworked my hubby's one. I did a WHOLE LOT of work today, and connected with my cousin's stepdaughter, which was awesome!

However, my brain is definitely about fried. It is very difficult keeping straight who is who when you have fathers, sons, uncles and cousins with the same names, and mothers, daughters, nieces and cousins are as bad ... or Mary Ann's who were somehow called Polly. Today has given me a slew of confusion to sift through and cross check.

I LOVE doing this though. It's exciting, and getting into some of these people's lives and finding their quirks, is amazing.

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