Thursday, August 25, 2016

A Good Week So Far

Good morning!

Thursday already, and my week is whizzing by. So much going on at the moment, I've given myself a headache this week, trying to keep up with myself mentally. LOL.

My AVON Team and I are gearing up for September 16th which is a big day in New AVON's existence, launching new incentives and National Recruiting Week. We're just trying to prep and get all our ducks in a row, so that we can ROCK IT when everything kicks off. I have an awesome team, and want to help my people come out of September stronger and making more money!

So, this morning, I wasn't awake enough to remember to remind hubby I needed to have him bring my AVON boxes in on my bed for me to sort today. I will have to see if I can shuffle them down to the bedroom and find a way to get them up here, and if I can't, well, they'll still be there this afternoon when he gets in. At 5.30am in the morning, my brain is on auto. I have 30 minutes to make hubby's coffee and figure something for his breakfast, and pack his lunchbox for the day, so that he can get up, dressed, eat and out the door. Oh and pay the kitchen toll of cat treats as I walk in there, after letting the dogs outside to run, to their demanding meows. then, heaven forbid, I do not have their can opened and set out before the dry treats are gone. Spoiled much? LOL. Suffice to say, we are not cat owners ... they own us. And have us well-trained!

Life is good though, I cannot complain! I'm well blessed - comfy bed (very thankful for that since I'm on it all day), food in my belly, roof over my head and people/animals that love me - what more could I want? Hubby always jokes "a million dollars would be nice" and yes, it would, but he has a job and I have my AVON and we have what we need.

The weather this week has been absolutely gorgeous!  If I could still walk, it would be prefect walking weather. Cooler than the past couple of months. I'm getting away with open windows, and loving that fresh air!!!

Yesterday we got some rain, but it was a gentle shower, not a raging deluge with a thunderous opus and lightning zigzags. Lightning has always scared me, and I know that sounds silly, but it's just the way it is.

I'm also still scared of the dark, and that's been with me all my life. I did have someone tell me "you're scared of what might be OUT in the dark, not the actual dark itself" and yes, that's the gist of it. As a child I had nightmares. We have coyotes here. Maybe now it's a mix of both worries, ha ha. Needless to say, if it's dark out, I let dogs out first and then follow. 61 years old, but I can laugh at myself over it.

Almost forgot - last day of this offer on my website

Well, have an awesome Thursday, my friends! I have lots of work to do, and some genealogy research to do. Be happy! Rock this day!

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