Monday, February 20, 2017

Well, it has been a good (long) weekend. Health-wise, this is the best I have felt this year, for which I am VERY thankful!

Last night, hubby and I went to see ZZ Top at the Peace Center. It was a pretty good night! We enjoyed ourselves.

I can't figure out how to save the video my hubby took, and upload it, but the link to it is here.

Today, we went to Great Clips and got our hair cut, just trimmed really. I had about 4-6" off my length and had the lass layer my bangs so they fell properly, when I brush them back.

Hubby had scheduled the day off as we were out late last night. LOL. Waaay past our usual bedtime. Getting up at 5.30am would have been a def non-occurrence.

As it is, we had a very productive day. he finished cleaning out our big chest freezer, and built a frame to lift it up off the floor. I have some bulk meats coming, and want to be organized for when it does. 

For dinner we had Kung Pao Chicken, which I did in the slow cooker. It came out perfect, tasted awesome, and I was able to freeze 4 portions for my lunches or dinners on other days! I'm getting pretty good at this bulk cooking/freezing lark!

Now, it's almost bedtime, so we are just relaxing before heading to our ride on the morningtown express.

Have an awesome week, my friends!

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