Friday, March 17, 2017

A nice day!

It's been  a lovely day.  It began cold, actually ... frigid is a better word to describe it!  It was bitter, this morning, but the weatherman did say this was supposed to be the last of it and we were supposed to start a warming trend, so I'm hopeful.

This morning was my friend Dimple's day to come in and do my cleaning for me, since I now can't. It's always nice when she comes we laugh a lot, chat, and my house is always so clean and fresh-smelling after she's done. I am well blessed in having her as a friend, she helps me so much. I would be lost without her, she has helped remove so much stress from my life. The guilt I had after becoming disabled, and being unable to do it myself any more. And my hubby, working at his job all day, and then coming home, and trying to keep up with it ... and me feeling even worse about that. Dimple coming in, once a week, has taken all of that stress away. It's wonderfully freeing.

I've started trying to learn some new tricks, ha ha. I'm working on getting my online activity more pronounced, for my business, so am going to be working through a marketing course that includes using various platforms, and walks you through how to do it. I am so un-techy, so watching the lady demonstrate what she is explaining, will be very helpful in giving me the ability to understand and try it myself. I'm not in a race, I'll just be taking my time to let it all sink in ... and probably taking copious amounts of notes as I go along.

I've actually been feeling pretty decent the past couple of days, too, and my blood pressure has been within normal limits, even when it's been a somewhat high-normal. I am very thankful for that, I so need my health back! I can deal with the lack of physical capability, as long as I feel ok, and not sick all the while.

Well, hope you all have a nice weekend. Just watching some telly tonight now with my hubby. Goodnight all.

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