Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Ups and downs

So many things going on right now, gosh life sure has a way of making you feel you are on a roller coaster, that's for sure!  Things start going great, almost tooooo great ... and then it's like, ok, you enjoyed THAT moment so now let's throw a spanner in the works! And it does!

It's like the weather ... it was in the 20s this morning! Brrrrrrr!  It was 70s just last week! No wonder everyone keeps getting sick. I have so little tolerance to heat and cold now, so it affects me  a lot when it swings like a pendulum. My body just can't seem to adjust quickly enough. Ah the joys of a bad thyroid, and getting older. LOL.

Health-wise, my weight is going down nicely. At my doctor's office, 2 weeks ago, I had lost another 5lbs. That's a total of 42lbs since last September. My next doctor visit is a week from tomorrow, so I'm hoping to see the scale go even lower this time. I don't weigh inbetween doctor visits, their scales are calibrated so I just stick with that.

As for the rest of my health, I am doing better, but not out of the woods yet. I had gone 10 days and was feeling that the weird heartbeat stuff was over, and then it happened again badly, one night. I hate that, because it stresses me so much and my blood pressure skedaddles up very quickly, and then I'm fighting to both do my deep breathing and trying to calm myself down. It's very scary when it happens. Sometimes I get like a "feeling" before it starts happening, I guess like they say people with epilepsy get an "aura". Whatever, I don't like it when it happens. I don't like it at all!

I am waiting on my last set of bloodwork results, but the nurse did call me and said there was improved kidney function, she just did not say by how much. She said the doctor will discuss it with me next week when I go to see her. I'm glad there's been improvement, and am hoping it's continuing!

I am very thankful this week, my little brother fell off a scaffold at work, fell 30 feet, and is very lucky to be alive. He has numerous injuries (as one would imagine) and had a couple of surgeries already, on morphine for pain, and looks like he did 10 rounds with Mike Tyson. Or more!  I'm just very thankful we did not lose him. Last night, on our local news, a man fell from a roof and died, and it just reiterated how blessed my family is.

Last Saturday, hubby and I made it to Cedar Falls Park, only a few miles from us.

It was a beautiful spot! The weather was a little chilly, but we were well wrapped up. I sat on a rock and just enjoyed the fresh air and watching the birds play, listening to the roar of the water rushing over the shoals.

It was just so calming for me, and it felt good to be out and enjoying nature. I used to love going to places like this when I could walk better.

Hubby went exploring the site, never out of view, but we'd forgotten to bring my wheelchair or walker ... the ground being so uneven though, I doubt either would be of much use. Next time, we'll have to take my ridearound.

"My" rock, LOL. With hubby's help, I had made it from the parking to to this big rock, and sat on the smaller one to catch my breath. Then made it from there to the small rock on the right. That one was a bit higher though, so my legs were hurting, and I decided to sit at one of the picnic tables. From that rock to the big one was maybe 15 yards. It took me a lot of stop and gos to get back to the little one by the big rock, to sit again. I managed maybe 5 or 6 steps and would then have to stop, and rest myself with my hands on my thighs to stay vertical. LOL. I was very proud of myself for making it unaided though. Hubby was surprised and a bit concerned, but it felt good to have managed to have done it by myself.

It's definitely a place we're going to be going back to. It was lovely, and just a nice escape, enjoying the tranquillity of nature. I bet in Summer, it will be lovely to lie down and nap with the sound of the water ... only trouble is, if I was even able to get down on the ground, I know I'd never be able to make it back up.

Well, enjoy the rest of your day. Be blessed, my friends!

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