Sunday, January 14, 2018

A Night In The ER

After a couple of days of issues, last night saw me having to go to the ER.  I could not get my heart rate to stay above 48 bpm, and was getting a weird feeling in my chest, like an "emptiness", reminiscent of when (as a child) you ran around in freezing weather and then tried to catch your breath). I pedalled on my elliptical attempting to raise it but no sooner did I quit, then it dropped again. I was due for my next dose of BP medicine but was afraid to take it as it LOWERS my heart rate and I didn't want it going down any more.  Then my BP hit 190/98 and at  that point, I got scared and told hubby I was going to the ER.

We drove to Greenville Memorial and when we got there the waiting room was packed. The folks working there were awesome though, very efficient, and they worked through the crowd speedily. 

I can honestly say, I did not expect the hospital ER to be so big.  When they sent me back into a room, the corridors seemed to go on forever.

Dr Dupuis came in and introduced herself, we discussed my issues and my meds she ordered an EKG, bloodwork, and had me hooked up for automatic vital signs checks. Later, she had one of the cardiologists in my cardiologist's office (who was on call) check the EKG. and thankfully, despite being low, my heartbeat is regular and my heart is still good!

They've changed my meds, halved the one that lowers the heartrate and upped another that I've had no issues with, so am hoping this will take care of the problem.

We were there a total of 6 hours, they were very thorough and I am very thankful.

We came home and I slept the best I've slept in a couple of weeks!


  1. glad you are ok! That waiting room is always packed to the max.

  2. Oh dear lady. I do hope all this will stabilize and you won't have these episodes that certainly cause great fear. You are such a good woman and deserve to have a pleasant and healthy life. Sending love.
