Tuesday, January 16, 2018

The Music of the Night

I had another sleepless night last night, but nothing was wrong, my mind was just wide awake and I just lay enjoying the silence and my thoughts. 

The distant horn of the train is one of those comforting sounds that I love to hear, in the night, and I wasn't disappointed. More than once, I heard it (I guess as it crossed the roads between Mauldin and Simpsonville, on its journey).

The singing of coyotes used to be worrisome to me, when my goats were alive. With the passing of my last Nubian, Sadie, there is no reason for me to worry when I hear it any more. The chicken sleeps up in the tree, so I know they won't be able to get her. When I heard the wailing singing last night, I just lay there and listened.

That was when I thought about the music of the night.  And not the song from "The Phantom of the Opera" but those sounds that permeate the silence in the darkness. That train horn and the coyotes singing, and in warmer months, night birds chattering and calling. Owls hooting softly from the trees way back beyond the next door neighbour's property, various dogs barking, the sirens of police, ambulances and fire trucks.

Whenever I can't sleep, I just lie and enjoy them all.

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