Wednesday, July 25, 2018

I love my wildlife

My life is definitely the sadder for the loss of my livestock, over the years, 

Looking out of the bathroom window, over "my domain"  of one acre, and watching Rammy, Cleo, Red and Sadie down in the field, and in Spring ,their babies, are just memories, as the babies were found homes for at a  few months old, and my four went over the Rainbow Bridge years ago now. Sadie was the last, just before Christmas.

Of the 30 odd chickens, we now have only one survivor and she hangs out with the dogs when they go outside.

Of all the cats we fostered that didn't find homes, we now only have 4 moggies, and 3 of those are 14 years old.

And having just lost our beloved Angel July 5th, our doggie family now numbers only 3, Boo being almost 15, and Max and Mystery both 12.

The emptiness of that single acre field though, is beginning to ease. 

We have 2 bunnies who regularly come out to munch on grass and weeds under the bathroom window, and now about half a dozen deer who wander in to eat. One mama with twin fawns, that are a delight to watch. One stays close to mama. She will come up from the field and stay over by the butterfly tree. Her other baby has no fear. He comes over under the window and munches, all by himself. Probably 30 feet from his mama and twin.

The other evening, there were 5 fawns running around the field, and not a mama in sight as thy gambolled about.

I  just watch from the window, enjoying their peaceful grazing, it's as if they know they are safe on my little bit of land. They are a joy.

I watch the hawks as well, gliding and swooping. Over the years they have not been friends with my chickens, and one time I came out the front and one was on the ground trying to grab a hen from under a bush. When I came out, it flew off. Its wingspan was easily 4 to 5 feet! It was huge!

The crows love to roost on the persimmon tree and chatter away. When the hawks went after the jay's babies, in their nest in the butterfly tree, the crows joined forces and helped drive them off. 

This year, the sparrow who nested on my front porch last year, did not come back. I have missed her, but am also thankful, as trying to keep the cats from getting on the front porch, had been a constant source of stress , last year.

I do love my animals though, both the tame and the free wild ones. They give me pleasure and light up my day. It's a blessing that I am always thankful for!

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