Tuesday, December 29, 2020
A Hidden Treasure Trove
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Our "Honey Do" list is getting worked through
You all know how much I love having my hubby around, and we are making good use of his time, at home, right now. We are working through a long "honey do" list, but taking our time and just doing bits and pieces every day.
Many are things that I can't do by myself, things like cleaning light fittings. I had him up on a step-ladder taking apart our light/ceiling fan fittings, and I washed the blades and glass shades, while he dusted and polished the ceiling bits.
We bought more smoke detectors and I had him put them up and change batteries in our existing ones.
We are decluttering, and have been taking trash and recycles to the dump almost daily, and dropping off things at the Salvation Army. It feels so good looking at a space where once there was a mass of boxes or unused-any-more stuff.
We've found things we'd "put away somewhere safe" and forgotten about - all sorts of things. Documents. Christmas decorations from year dot. Family history research from years ago, that somehow was not in with the rest (I've been researching now over 25 years). Hubby has found documents from when he JOINED the Air Force, back in 1982!
My grandson has already inherited a shelf full of Time Life books, a couple of weeks ago, and hubby has just packed up the World Book Encyclopaedia and his Air & Space magazines, and they will be joining the Time Life over the next week.
All of my AVON stuff is now totally out of my living room, and is now ONLY in my AVON room. My goal now is to keep it that way, and to sort and bag my orders, label and bag my brochures and store all my supplies ONLY in there.
It just feels so good to be working on it all. It honestly does seem that "less is more" needs to be my new mantra!
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
What a lovely surprise!
You all know how much I have relied on my AVON business since becoming disabled, and how much I love it! Well, look what came in my AVON box today ... I LOVE being appreciated and this is absolutely gorgeous. The picture does not do it justice.
Guess who's a happy camper today! It's started my day perfectly!
This is just one of the reasons why I love being an #AVONlady
Thursday, November 26, 2020
The turkey's in the oven, the aroma is divine.
Potatoes in the saucepan, just awaiting cooking time.
Veggies in the freezer, California blend and sprouts,
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Have a beautiful Thanksgiving
Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Christmas Memories As A Single Mum
I was a single mum for 8 years and my Christmas shopping began right after the previous one ended, grabbing markdowns in the sales after New Year and hiding them away. That was great for dresses for my girls, and trousers for my son, I'd just buy them the next size (or two sizes) up, so's they'd fit that next year.
I was a knitter back then, so I'd buy knitted jumpers at jumble sales, unravel them to get the yarn, and then use that to knit baby doll layettes for a new baby doll for each of the girls. I'd spend most of the year knitting.
I'd get their "big toy" out of a catalogue and pay weekly, it was the only way I could afford it. My son had a Budgie bike, I think he was 6 that year, and I had to put guiders on it so's he could learn to ride. He whizzed all over the paths around our house on it.
My girls always wanted to be twins, they liked me to dress them alike and most times, wanted the same toys. They proudly played at being mums the year they got their doll's prams.It was neat watching them pushing their red and white prams around, often wearing pretty red and white floral dresses (their favourite, at the time) with their white knee high socks and black dolly shoes.
One year, when they were a bit older, I got them all cute 8" portable tvs with radios in them, they were sixty quid each (a lot of money in those days) and I gave them a choice, all the usual goodies or just the telly and they all chose the telly.
I was TERRIBLE on Christmas Eve.
After the kids were asleep and I'd got all their presents laid out, around their beds, I'd deliberately make a noise ... just enough for one of them to wake up groggily and then scream at the others "he's been! Father Christmas has been!" and then I'd just lie abed and smile, quite content, and glad that my kids were happy and excited about what they'd got.
The turkey would be in the oven, on low, all night, filling our home with the smell of it (and the stuffing) cooking, and warmth as well. I always made a very rich stuffing, starting with a package of sage and onion, and adding MORE dried sage and chopped onion, then pork sausagemeat, and minced turkey liver. The aroma was amazing.
#christmasmemories #singlemumchristmas #christmasmagic #memoriesofchristmaspast #itschristmas #
Sunday, November 22, 2020
Black Friday Deals Have Started
Friday, November 20, 2020
Christmas is Coming!
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
This weight loss/getting fit gig is rocking!
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
UH OH My Hair Colouring Plan Went Awry But L'Oreal Customer Care Is Awesome!
So, today it was time to re-do the blonding in my hair, and I set about getting everything ready and together. When I mixed the ingredients to form a paste it was like shortcrust pastry, but I persevered trying to apply it to my hair. Nope, that didn't work. It kept falling like crumbles, out and onto the floor. I decided to give up. One shower later, I called L'Oreal's help desk and explained the situation to them and they are sending me 2 coupons to cover the cost of a replacement product. YAY L'Oreal, excellent customer service.
Friday, September 11, 2020
Today has been a good day
For starters, we had a lie-in. Hubby was off today as he had a dr appointment to go to, so we slept late. No alarm at 5.30am is such a welcome respite.
Unfortunately, his A1C was up so now she's going to add another drug to his regimen to see if it will help.
Then we made a couple of treks out.
The first, we made my #AVONdeliveries in #Mauldin, did my banking, and then took ourselves to #TropicalGrille for lunch ... a very satisfying lunch I might add.
I had the classic wrap
Both of us were well sated when we finished!
After lunch we came home for a break and then headed out for the second. We tossed #AVONbrochures on a street in a local subdivision and then went to #FoodLion to get groceries, where I saved an awesome $37 off a $134 grocery bill. I do love saving money!
I have everything for hubby's breakfasts, workday lunches and snacks for the week along with his drinks for work as well. That's always my priority as the freezer is stocked with meats and veggies for dinner.
Second priority, food and treats for ye moggies. For our senior, Precious, I have to buy pates which I then have to mash down with extra water or pet gravies for him and then for madame, Snuggles, in the bedroom, we have to get chunks in gravy and nothing fishy. Talk about picky cat! She is. Poor Precious is 16 and doesn't have all his teeth any more hence the reason I do what I do with his.
After popping all our groceries away, we settled down to watch our favourite shows on the telly, Escape To The Country, and Sixty Minute MakeOver.
All in all, I'm quite happy. Now playing my Seeker's Notes game, and just relaxing.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
42 Years Ago Today, My Granpop Died
It started like any other, except that I'd had a horrible evening and night, with severe pains in my chest, pressure, like severe indigestion but worse, which ended abruptly sometime around 1.30am. One minute in severe pain, nauseated by it, and then totally free of any pain or nausea the next.
I was up and starting my day, kids awake, my boyfriend at the time had gone to sign on at the dole for his unemployment, when my phone rang. It was my mum.
She sounded very odd.
"Where's your phone?" She asked.
"In my hand."
"No where is your phone situated?"
I asked if she was ok.
"On the phone table at the bottom of the stairs."
"Sit on the stairs," she said.
"Mum, are you alright?" I asked.
"Are you sitting down?"
"Yes I'm sat on the stairs."
At that she delivered the news.
"Your granpop's dead. he died this morning."
I heard no more, I screamed, threw the phone against the wall and still screaming, ran up the stairs onto my bed and sobbed hysterically.
My friend Anne's boyfriend came up, sometime later, to borrow some sugar. As soon as he came in my back door, he could hear me and came rushing upstairs to my bedroom to see what was the matter. I was incoherent. He stayed with me until my boyfriend got back. I was a mess.
My mum showed up a couple of hours later with a couple of my siblings in tow, and told me to get myself and my kids sorted as we were going to my nan's.
There were a load of relatives already there, some I knew, some I'd never seen before in my life. My nan just looked totally dazed and out of it. I gave her a hug, I didn't know what else to do.
My mum started doing stuff in the kitchen, making fresh pots of tea for everyone and plates of biscuits, I just stayed near my nan. I couldn't imagine how she was feeling. She'd been married to my granpop for 42 years and now he was gone.
Then the squabbles started, among those whose faces I didn't recognise.
"Well, Ed always said when he was gone, I'd get this," and "Ted said this was mine when he died".
I got so mad and screamed at them all,
"Leave my nanny alone! She's just lost her husband and you're like a flock of bloody vultures!"
My mum sternly said,
"Rosemary, kitchen". I'd never cursed in front of her before.
"They need to leave her alone!" I cried as she led me into the scullery.
A little while later, my granpop's brother, Uncle Bill was going to take my mum to see my granpop's body. My nan asked if I wanted to go, and I said no but she said "you always were his favourite grandchild, it's the last time you'll be able to see him" and - being accepted as a last mark of respect - I allowed myself to be persuaded.
At that time, my ex-husband was my mum's driver.
We piled into the car and followed Uncle Bill to the funeral home.
It was so nice and calm inside. White marble walls with alcoves, vases of flowers in them. Soft music was playing. I didn't want to do this, but I was telling myself, "you're 22, just grit your teeth and deal with it. If you want to cry, you can do it when you get out".
We were led through a set of double doors, and then through another, the hallway looking the same as the entrance, white marble and alcoves. They opened the door to my granpop's room, and I could hear somebody screaming and, in my head, I was thinking "oh they shouldn't be doing that in here" and the next minute, my ex-husband is picking me up off the floor with my mum saying, "get her up, get her out of here!"
Outside, all I remember is sobbing, "please don't tell my nanny I did this" over and over. I didn't want to upset her even more.
Even 42 years later, that day is etched in my memory.
My granpop in the workshop in Pune, India
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
This Fitness Journey
Unfortunately, as my muscle tone improves, my weight loss has stalled somewhat, and that is so annoying. I still have at least 50lbs that I want to see gone, and I'm doing all the right things, just my body has decided not to cooperate on the numbers side of the game.
I can notice the difference - I can feel the musculature in my upper legs, thighs and butt under the padding that has been covering it for years. My workouts are at higher levels, longer times or more sets of reps, and those are the things that I am measuring by.
I do love my Planet Fitness, too. I use the hydro-massage bed 2 or 3 times a visit. One time, I may focus solely on about 8" of my lower back, another I'll do lower back down the back of my legs to just above my knees ... the latter usually after I've worked my legs on the machines.
My favourite machine is the Intellistrider, which is a seated stepper. I could barely manage 2 minutes at level 1 when I began, now I do 30 or 45 minutes at level 3. On the triceps press, I started doing 5 sets x 20 reps at 20lbs, and now do 5 at 40lbs and then an additional set at 50lbs.
At home, I have my elliptical cycle and most days do one to two hours of pedalling in anything from 15-45 minute increments. It began as a way to get my heart rate up a bit when the meds had it so slow it was scary. I'd pedal to bring it up into like the mid 40s where it didn't feel as weird. It was very stressful when it would drop to 33 or 34. Thankfully, getting me off some of those drugs have helped but my norm is 45-50. The pedalling continues as a way of exercising now, and I read a lot of good books while I'm doing it.
I can definitely see the difference :
When I see this pic now, I cringe at how big I was. That was also when I was basically bedridden most of the time and needing a wheelchair whenever we were needing to go out anywhere.
At my highest weight, I was 317lbs, which is absolutely awful. I was over twice what I had weighed when I was younger (from 15 to 30 I weighed 140lbs other than during pregnancies and just after).
I still have a long way to go, but I can see the difference,
and feel it in so many ways.
Each day is another step in the journey, and I'm just keeping on keeping on.
Sunday, June 7, 2020
More pics of Campbell's Covered Bridge Park
Such a beautiful afternoon out
Water is calming for me, and I love the sound of bubbling brooks and gurgling streams, I find it very peaceful and it lowers my blood pressure and lifts my spirits.
I packed us a cooler bag with drinks, sandwiches and (such indulgence) a piece of cheesecake each, so that we could kind of picnic as we went along. And we did!
Campbell's Covered Bridge is a lovely place. There were families with children playing in the water, people with dogs just enjoying a beautiful Summery day, everyone just out and about, taking in the pleasure of such a God-given space.
The pathway is shaded by huge trees in parts, and the remains of the old house and grist mill now form an area where people sit and picnic.
One has to walk from the parking area down. Unfortunately, it becomes a gravel area to walk on, and me and my walker struggle with gravel paths, so I made it down the paved walkway and then sat in a shady area in front of a natural spring, that sent a stream meandering its way down the hillside to the stone ledge where people were sunbathing.
Coming back up the slope was more difficult, but I think I achieved it with aplomb, I only had to rest a couple of times, and with it being so hot outside (and me not doing so well, in the heat, usually) I was quite pleased about that.
Getting back to the car, my BP was a bit elevated, 186/82 but dropped fairly easily to 145/78, so no meds needed either! That was a blessing, as I do hate having to take meds BUT when I have to, I take them, because they keep me alive! When I can get my body to do things naturally, that's def my preference.
Campbell's Covered Bridge, is apparently the last covered bridge in the state, and was built in 1909. It spans what is known as Beaverdam Creek, and is named for Alexander Lafayette Campbell (who apparently was a big land owner in the area, at the time, and built a corn mill), according to local historians.
It's quite small really, only 38 feet x 12 feet, and apparently, it's design was quite rare. It has diagonal pine timbers and vertical iron rods, and the design is called a Howe Truss. July 1 2005, it was added to the National Register of Historic Places, thus ensuring that it will be preserved for future generations to enjoy.
There are various hiking trails around the park area, but obviously moi and my walker did not get to wander any of them. Natural flooring, in wilderness type areas, is just too hard to navigate. The wheels just don't want to work in unison, and every bump in the track, is very jarring. Were I able to walk unaided, I'd have loved to have explored them.