Sunday, June 20, 2021

A Beautiful Day Yesterday

 I used to attend all the local AVON "dos" until my health started getting in the way, and now that I'm beginning to stay on a semi-stable keel, when they announced the "Sip 'n' Shop" in Charlotte NC, I jumped at the chance to hang out with some of the AVON family, see new products and who doesn't love getting free swag bags?  I know I do.

I do not like traffic, and avoid Interstates like the plague, so we took a leisurely drive through Woodruff, Union, Sharon, York and Lockhart on our way from Greenville SC to Charlotte NC on Hwy 49 most of the way. We wish we had had the time to stop and explore those towns. They were so picturesque and full of history. We've definitely decided to take trips out to actually go to those places and explore them. Just passing through, the old houses and different city buildings and churches, were awesome to look at. Quaint towns that - in some ways - look untouched by progress, and are renewing rundown downtowns into some neat places to stroll around.

The weather may not have been everyone's cup of tea, but it was perfect for us, it stayed overcast much of the journey, both ways, meaning it was much cooler than it might have been. There was a slight breeze and - on the way home - a couple of sprinkles of rain.

The AVON "do" was neat and hubby and I both loved our swag bags ... and used the aloe cooling face masks out of them before we went to bed.

 Yes, I look like something out of a horror movie but it felt so good, really relaxing, and left my skin really soft and smooth. It made a perfect ending to a perfect day!

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