Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Tuesday Twittering

 It's one of those cooler mornings that we've been promised for the past week. The supposed "last of the rain" pelted down in a deluge, earlier, and now the birds are out, twittering away, enjoying the freshness of the morning. I've got doors and windows open, to air the house, and plan on some outdoor time this afternoon.

We had a brilliant weekend, and yesterday, hubby finished another raised bed for me, so I'm going to go out and transplant some more of the cantaloupes. Who didn't expect all of her seeds to grow? Me! That's who. I have been transplanting, and giving away, baby cantaloupe plants since they began shooting up and crowing each other. 

If I manage to empty the first planter of babies, I'll refresh the soil and plant the onion seeds from where I planted one onion and let it go to seed. At the moment, the tops containing the seeds are just on a paper towel on top of the microwave, drying.  

I'm not planning on going anywhere today, I have plenty to keep me busy here. I have a few articles to write, emails to compose and respond to, pedalling to do and phone calls to make. The nicest thing about working from home is the ability to work on my own time and take rests when I need to. My body just doesn't always cooperate, so I always intersperse my bouts of activity with lazy lying-down sessions, so that my body can sort itself out again, and my blood pressure and heart rate stay within my normal limits.

Over the weekend, we had 2 mama deer with their babies, come to visit us. One has twins, the other, we saw only one fawn. All 3 babies are no bigger than our dog, Mystery, was, when she was alive. They are so cute to watch, as they gambol around.

I am down to 2 library books, so need to go through the book lists, find some that look interesting and then reserve them. I read as I pedal, so I do a LOT of reading. I'm into all different genres but my favourite is legal/medical/detective thrillers. That's not to say that I don't meander into historical fiction, beach books or Harlequin-esque romances on occasion, just that I prefer books that keep me on my toes and trying to figure out the "who did what" before all is revealed.

Methinks also, today, I need to try to make a restart on decluttering. I am such a hoarder, it is terrible. I am sure I have plenty of stuff that I can still donate so that someone else can enjoy, and plenty of papers and boxes that can go for recycling. 

I also have AVON brochures to label, bag and box ready for my next "tossing" session.  

I plan on a busy week, and today is just the beginning. We had a lazyish day yesterday, as I had hubby home. We hadn't been sure about our weekend travel, whether we might come home Sunday, so I'd had him arrange yesterday off. I do love having him around. I wish he could retire now.

Have a wonderful day, my friends. Enjoy the blessings that come your way.

#lovingmylife  #bosslife  #AVON  #containergardening  #raisedbeds  #lifeisgood

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