My chicks are definitely beginning to look more like chickens now. Their tail feathers are growing, their wings are fully feathered (and they love to try them out) although their bellies are still fluffy down. Their distinct personalities are coming through, with Poppy (the brownish one) being the definite self-proclaimed leader of the pack.
Now that they are getting bigger, I take them out to their henhouse every day, and we bring them in overnight for now. Once they are fully feathered, they will be able to stay out after sundown, and we'll just unhook the ramp and close the front door on their nesting area.
They have fun in their "jungle" and love pecking at the grass, dandelions and clover that they don't get indoors. I still pop chick feed in with them daytimes, they need to be able to eat whenever they want to, while they are growing.
They seem quite satisfied with their new domain, and I love to just sit outside and talk to them. If ever you needed proof that I was crazy, there ya have it!
It's a part of getting a life back, that I thought I had lost forever. Being disabled, I had given up on the idea of having animals around that needed to be taken care of, but as I regain some mobility, we figured I could handle 4 chickens in a henhouse, and it definitely makes me happy.
Likewise, I'd given up on gardening, since my attempts last year proved that, even having someone else till a piece of ground for me, did not mean that I and my trusty walker would be able to plant it. The first major obstacle was getting down to the field, the slope is too much for me to walk down and even harder to get back up. My ridearound made it down there but then decided it didn't like the slope either. Hubby had to bring the truck down to get me back to the house, and I was so flustered.
So this year we decided to try container gardening and raised beds. Hubby has almost finished the first raised bed for me, and the plants in containers are all doing well. My snow peas are awesome straight off the vine, and I snack on them outside. Sadly, the deer and the big bunny (who hangs out in the front yard) have taken a liking to my beans and all that is left of a flourishing vine are a few stalks about 4" high.
The grapevines have starting coming out of their dormant state, and the blueberry is shooting up. The blackberry (which we had moved from the patch down near the field) is very odd and withers when out in the sun, but flourishes under the car port. Yet where it came from was a place in full sun, it just makes no sense at all.
Indoors, I recently separated my spider plants and repotted some, to allow them to grow in their own pots. We also took cuttings from the gardenia and azalea bushes, and I am trying to get them to root indoors, and then I can have hubby replant them along the fence front line to create a fragrant "hedge".
Closer to the house, when we get the old holly bushes out, I want gravel beds and will then put my pots of rosemary and lavender there.
I have definitely felt a rebirth, of me, this Spring.
Poor hubby, he and my grandson have been working on the roof together some weekends, and my "honey do" list is so long.
Last weekend, we had some help from 2 missionaries from the local Mormon Church. Dax and his friend started painting the cabin shed for me, as I had only managed to do most of one side and that had been an effort. You can already see an improvement and it's going to look smashing once it's finished.
I love the red and white. Eventually my goal is to repaint the brick , on our house, white, and repaint the shutters red to match the new roof. Slowly but surely, I am reclaiming my life and not just existing in a rut. I am beginning to be able to love my life again.
I joke that, to get the money for all the stuff I need and want to do, I def need to sell more AVON, LOL. Hubby says yeah I need to, too!
#lovingmylife #chickpics #containergardening #wildlife #Spring #rebirth #beinghappy #makingmyselfhappy #disabilitywontstopme #whoisrosedempsey #rosedempseyAVON
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