Thursday, April 29, 2021

New "Count Me In" Incentive

Have you been with AVON 9 Campaigns or more and did not make Premier level? That’s ok! This incentive is for you!

It’s not for representatives who have earned Premier or President’s Club this year but anyone who is a Contender, no matter how long they have been with AVON.

The incentive period is from Campaign 11 through Campaign 18 (April 28th to August 17th 2021)

If you were a representative last year (2020) between Campaigns 11 and 18, then your goal is going to be 10% above your sales totals from last year during those campaigns, in order to start earning the FREE PRODUCTS.

So, if you were selling last year between Campaigns 11 and 18, and sold $1000 then your goal for starting earning the product collections is going to be $1100.

The sweetest thing is, these awards are cumulative, which means that if your goal for this incentive is $1100, then when you achieve it you’ll get 2 collections, one for reaching the $500 milestone and one for reaching the $1000 one. Isn’t that awesome? Who doesn’t LOVE getting FREE PRODUCTS?

I’m pumped!

And you can earn up to $1550 in FREE PRODUCTS when you reach $5000 in sales.

Really … what’s not to like?

The FREE PRODUCT COLLECTIONS are achieved at the following sales levels:

$50 collection when you achieve $500 sales

$100 collection with a $1000 sales level

$200 collection when your sales reach $2000

$300 collection when you hit $3000

$400 collection when your sales total reaches $4000

and the big (and final) one

$500 when you have $5000 in sales … which will also make you a Premier Club member.

You can do this!

It just takes planning!

You have 8 campaigns each of 2 weeks.

Break it down.

Set your goals and then plan how you are going to achieve them.

Share your website by email, text and social media posts … and ask your friends to also pass it on.

Hand out brochures and samples to people you know,

toss brochures in neighbourhoods,

work the “3 a day” or “5 a day” talking to people about AVON and our products.
This is soooo do-able and I want everyone who is not yet Premier to benefit from this, it’s such a brilliant opportunity!

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