Saturday, April 10, 2021

My container garden is growing!  Yesterday we got some more strawberry plants, which I planted out in the second green planter that we got from Lidl a few days ago, so now I have 8 strawberry plants. We also got a  blueberry  bush and 3 lavender plants. Since I'd already planted lavender seeds in one of my grey triple planters, we transplanted the lavender plants into my last (this far) grey triple pot, so that eventually I'll have the matching lavender bushes.

Today, hubby grabbed me a grapevine as I've been saying I wanted some grapes. Years ago, in FL, I had grapes growing up a trellis outside, and I'm hoping to replicate that here, now. We also bought some cucumber seeds, but I need to get some more planters to pop them in.  I may just start them inside in a tray until I get some more.

The peas and beans are coming up nicely. Hubby is creating frames of fence posts and string for them to vine up as they grow.

I am well happy with all my new babies.

Hubby found the lid to my old compost bin (it had blown away during a storm) so now we are back to composting again. 

This feels so good. It takes me back to when I was really into, and able to be, semi self-sufficient with my veggie garden and fruits and stuff before, many moons ago now.

We are looking at maybe getting a chicken tractor and half a dozen chickens. I miss having chickens and our own eggs. It's true that they taste better. I can't get day olds as I'm not up to the daily newspaper changing in the cage. I need to be able to stand to do that and my standing is not good any more, and suffice to say, would not be happening for the 5 minutes or so needed to pull out old newspaper and put in fresh, plus fresh chick feed and water. I'm hoping to be able to find someone who'll sell me some that are 4-6 weeks old and feathered, so past the need caging/need heat lamp care. It's not that I'm lazy, I used to love day olds, but my body is def not capable of doing what needs to be done, any more.

Tomorrow, my grandson is coming over again to help hubby continue doing the metal roof, and we'll be smoking and grilling another pork tenderloin for sandwiches, so I've cut it in half (to fit the gallon ziploc) and have it marinading ready for hubby to pop in the smoker in the morning. It comes out incredible ... we have hit on the perfect marinade and the perfect smoking/grilling technique.  We are now addicted to this for pork, at least. Our chicken breast marinade and cooking is different but was also a winner when we did it before.

I have so many plans for the next few weeks, I just hope that my health stays good and that I can accomplish them.

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